What Is ShareaSale Used For?

Kishor Shahi Thakuri
3 min readJun 5, 2023



In the world of e-commerce, understanding the utility of ShareASale is crucial. ShareASale, an affiliate marketing network, serves as a powerful platform connecting businesses with affiliate marketers. This comprehensive article delves into the functionalities and merits of ShareASale, highlighting its indispensability within the digital marketing landscape. Additionally, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to register for ShareASale.

Understanding the Purpose of ShareASale

ShareASale, established in 2000, operates as a performance marketing platform that facilitates collaboration between merchants and affiliates. As an intermediary, it bridges the gap, enabling businesses (merchants) to promote their products through an extensive network of affiliates who earn commissions for driving sales or leads. This affiliate marketing model offers numerous advantages for both merchants and affiliates alike.

Advantages of ShareASale for Merchants

Expansive Affiliate Network: ShareASale boasts an expansive community of affiliates, allowing merchants to tap into a diverse pool of marketing professionals. This broad network ensures extensive product exposure and increased brand visibility.

Performance-based Marketing: ShareASale’s performance-based approach ensures that merchants only compensate affiliates when they successfully generate sales or leads. This framework minimizes financial risks and maximizes return on investment (ROI), making it a cost-effective marketing strategy.

Advanced Tracking and Analytics: ShareASale provides comprehensive tracking and reporting tools that yield valuable insights into campaign performance. Merchants can monitor key metrics such as clicks, conversions, and sales, empowering them to optimize their marketing efforts for improved outcomes.

Flexible Commission Structures: ShareASale enables merchants to establish flexible commission rates and structures. This customization empowers businesses to align their affiliate programs with their specific goals and budgets.

Advantages of ShareASale for Affiliates

Diverse Product Offerings: ShareASale hosts an extensive range of merchants from various industries, offering affiliates a diverse selection of products and services to promote. This diversity enables affiliates to choose products that resonate with their target audience, enhancing the likelihood of success.

Competitive Commission Rates: ShareASale empowers affiliates to earn competitive commission rates for driving sales or leads. Affiliates have the autonomy to select programs that offer higher commissions, ensuring their efforts are adequately rewarded.

Reliable Tracking and Payment System: ShareASale incorporates a robust tracking system that ensures accurate tracking of affiliate referrals, guaranteeing affiliates receive proper credit for their conversions. Moreover, ShareASale provides a reliable payment system, ensuring prompt and transparent commission payments.

Resources and Support: ShareASale offers a wealth of resources, including tutorials, webinars, and marketing materials, to support affiliates in their promotional endeavors. Furthermore, a dedicated account management team is available to address queries and provide guidance whenever required.

How to Sign Up for ShareASale

The process of registering for ShareASale is straightforward:

  • Visit the official ShareASale website and navigate to the “Affiliates” section.
  • Locate and click the “Create My Account” button, then provide the required information, such as username and contact information.
  • Put the details of your website such as URL and content language
  • Furnish accurate and comprehensive details regarding your promotional methods and traffic sources to ensure a successful application.
  • Now share the email ID
  • Fill up your personal details
  • Fill up the payment details
  • Accept the terms and conditions before submitting your application.
  • Confirm your signup email

Once your application is approved, you will gain access to the ShareASale dashboard, enabling you to explore available merchants, generate affiliate links, and track your performance.


ShareASale serves as an indispensable platform, facilitating collaboration between merchants and affiliates and harnessing the benefits of affiliate marketing. Its expansive network, performance-based approach, advanced tracking tools, and flexible commission structures make it an invaluable tool within the digital marketing landscape. By registering for ShareASale, businesses can expand their reach, while affiliates can unlock new revenue streams while enjoying the support and resources provided by the platform.



Kishor Shahi Thakuri

Writer | ✍️ Writing Blogs/Articles And Product Description | On-Page SEO | WordPress & Google Analytics & Google Ads|✨