Feminism: A Problem for Man? It Has Just Been Fairytale

Kishor Shahi Thakuri
6 min readSep 9, 2023


Today’s world speaks more about gender equality, pretending the women as a being that are socially suppressed and dominated. But people forget that the advocacy of the problems might have been a chance of negative advantages for many people. For instance, when a girl is sexually abused, advocating for the rights she requires is good, but other groups seeking the advantage from the incident also have increased.

I say equality needs to be need-based because those who are deprived of rights and freedoms are being excluded from it. And the socially preserved class people are living on the profit of the acts of gender equality or any other social problems.

Let’s Talk About Feminism

I fall under the group of millions who do not believe that Feminism is the best idea of empowering women and providing them equal rights as men do.

It’s because I don’t think that calling women weak units of society and offering them the legal and social advantage will take them to the highest level of society.

“Do not be gender-concerned, treat people with their deeds”

Clashes might arise regarding both masculine and feminine powers that should be on the same balance. But, why do they not try to push their thoughts deep into the issue?

‘Actions speak more than words.’ And, those (women) who prove to themselves that they are strong, bold, and determined to achieve the exercises are only the one who has regulated the theory of Feminism. The rest are all the toads of the rainy season.

So, if someone thinks that they are worth talking about equality, first showcase what you’ve done for the change. If not, shut the F**k up!!

Feminism Has Just Been Fairytale

Those people, who take the back of Feminism theory, lack assessment, and it comes with no doubt. It includes all the levels of governing bodies and especially the citizens who do more trash talks.

Beholding on the facts with no research is worthless. And the bills, laws, and policies that are passed for women’s well-to-do are just based not on multiple issues. Actually, the administrations still are not familiar with the data of socially backward women. They blind-trust the movements launched by so-called dominated but elite-class people, especially women.

Apparently, the governing bodies have no time to address the concerns of the women with real problems, and they are failing year by year. The reports show that the sexual misconduct cases have been minimized by half since 1993, but it also manifests that in every 73 seconds a girl becomes the victim of sexual assaults, which is a very extreme case. So, where has the administration worked, and where are the results? Only passing the laws for welfare does not make any sense.

Especially, women have to be conscious of the issues they deal with. As acknowledged, 80 in 100 women have no concern over the problems until they become the victim, which is the main reason for plateaued problems.

Get Rid of the Perception: Men Do Exercise More Rights Than Women

Who says men have more rights and freedoms than women. Whether you see the history or the current scenarios, you can notice that the social movements that have happened so far are mostly for women’s welfare.

New York’s Married Women’s Property Act (1848) suggests that women have equal rights and control over the property as men. Similarly, the Equal Pay Act has been passed since 1963, which provides a common range of wages and earnings to both men and women. There are many other laws, bills; policies passed with the concern over the safety of feminine society.

On the other hand, men, who are so-called accessible to every right and freedom, are not actually relishing the tag they hold. We have already seen many cases of men being punished legally without committing a crime. For instance, Demirel Huskovic was sentenced for a false rape accusation in 2017. He did spend 17 months in jail before he was released. Although he got out of prison, he has lost some social prestige, and the angle that society directs toward him has a lot more drastic overlaps.

Similarly, another example for men being the prey of women’s false accusation is the case of July 2019, when a nineteen-year-old British girl accused of rape to twelve Israeli men, among whom five were between the age of 15–19.

Peeking over the stats of gender violence, girls have been somehow dominated, but advocacy has not been done in their concerns. However, the wrong accusations have been made, deteriorating an image of men, in the name of the girl’s freedom.

As I already have mentioned above, assessment should be exact and genuine to make girls worthy of talking about gender equality and more. If someone does not will to get through the real reason, or real victim, or real scenario, I would like to say to them ‘think multiple times before you act.’ Because your gaming acts (I would rather say it) might be a move to destroy men’s lives, especially to women.

Let’s take an example of #MeTooMovement, which is basically designed for the empowerment of women. But if you see the data of the movement, only the high-profiled victims get access. Actresses, business women, and many other celebrities are being advantaged by the act.

Whether you see the case of Harvey Weinstein or Roman Polanski, the incidents of the victims, including Anabella Sciorra, Salma Hayek, Rose McGowan, and Gwyneth Paltrow, surfaced with more concern. But, many do not take it in a simple way.

Are the high profiled beings only worthy of justice? This has remained the biggest question of all time. There might be many unexplored stories of assaults that Harvey might have committed. But no one has time to deal with it.

The only thing that I’m trying to say is that ‘Feminism’ appears to be a kind of ‘facility’ that only the reliable, especially financially abundant victims are exercising right now.

In fact, Feminism itself appears to be a discriminatory word. The word speaks more of female without any explanation, by which (I don’t know of others but) I’m moved.

I have a quick question to all the apprentices of ‘Feminism,’ if you guys think the Feminist movement is gonna make a change in society by providing equal rights to both men and women, the word itself plays a villain role. First, change the word. It’s kind of a bothering and dominating word to the men.

I cannot speak for others, but in my opinion, Feminism has a lot of subsidiaries that have rocketed women’s egoistic nature. Whether or not, with the ‘Feminism’ tag, girls’ feminine society has become a key issue in many ways in recent times. Many are already discussed above.

We have already seen many females hiding their own acts and accusing innocent men with the intention of getting financially and socially advantaged. However, I don’t believe the girls anyway. I feel mentally tormented when I face a girl because I have severe fears regarding if she could negatively take possession of me and later accuse me.

So, the apprentice of ‘Feminism,’ when you talk too much of gender equality, also try to erase the fears of girls to many men around the world like me. I am only an example. There are many boys worldwide, who think of thousands of ways to get rid of girls even if he has not done anything wrong, for that the girls will not make a profit of his innocence.



Kishor Shahi Thakuri

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